Empower Virginia Districts to Make Data-Driven Decisions
Administrators and educators need data so they can make important decisions for districts and schools, and families need access to data to track their student’s progress. However, raw data has little value on its own. Transforming data into useful information relies on consistent practices that build data intelligence.
Download the eBook
In this eBook, we dive into the “I.D.E.A.S.” framework for data, so it can be leveraged to enhance academic excellence, engage families, and improve attendance rates within your district.
In this eBook you’ll learn how to:
Utilize simplified visualization strategies that can make data easy to use, communicate, and make familiar to all stakeholders.
Use data once it’s collected.
And leverage data based on five essential I.D.E.A.S:
- Integrity
- Democratization
- Examination
- Application
- Simplification