
B.R.I.D.G.E. Your School-Home Communication Gaps

During the COVID lockdown, school districts had to get creative when it came to communication between their staff, students, and families. Many cobbled something together using several different apps and platforms. Now students are back at school, and districts are left with a fragmented communication system. The question is: how do you streamline it?

Download the eBook

Using a helpful acronym as a guide, school administrators can B.R.I.D.G.E. school-home communication gaps to engage more effectively with families and bolster student success.

In this eBook you’ll learn:
  • The cause of modern school-home communication gaps
  • What  school administrators and student caregivers had to say about how communication gaps have impacted them
  • How to reevaluate and restructure a school-home communication system using the acronym B.R.I.D.G.E.: Balance, Responsive, Dialogue, Guided, and Easy-to-Use