Group of people sitting at a table and laughing.

Hilarious Teacher Memes to Get You Through Any Back-to-School Stress

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By SchoolStatus 2 min

This time of year can certainly be overwhelming! Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of laughter to ease the tension. We’ve asked our teacher ambassadors to help us collect some of their favorite teacher memes to help out. Enjoy!

“Hilarious and true!”

Julie from Common Core Kingdom

“Because my kinders say this to me every year.”

Jennifer from The Multicultural Classroom

“I made this meme last summer and it’s is just so relevant especially at this time when Target starts to stick the dollar spot. We see something on IG and want to run out and get it before it’s gone. My obsession was the mini erasers last summer. I remember being so excited when I finally found them after many trips to Target.”

Jessica from Mrs. Perez Teacher Tools

“Makes me laugh and grosses me out every time I see it!!”

Corinna from Surfin’ Through Second

“This meme couldn’t be more true! I don’t want to get sick and have to use a sick day!”

Caitlyn from Teach & Play with Mrs. J

“I love FRIENDS! And this is so my teacher friends and I trying to move furniture in our classrooms.”

Marine from Tales from a Very Busy Teacher


Courtney from Teaching Tinies

“A hilarious take on one of our favorite children’s book!”

ClassTag Team

We hope you got a good laugh out of those and that they helped relieve some back-to-school stress!

Have a favorite teacher meme that we missed? Share it in the comments below!

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