In a recent #educoach Twitter chat, Kathy Perret asked us how we think the current reality of distance learning and social distancing might impact the landscape of education and coaching moving forward. Read on for the top six most-engaged answers from your peers, and be sure to leave your own thoughts below!
Kenny McKee hopes it’ll chip away at some resistance to video debriefs and check-ins:
Jim Knight believes more professional learning and coaching will be done online:
Mel Cunningham asks if we’ll see a push for more blended learning with students:
Alison Walker wants to see more collaboration among educators outside of the buildings they work in:
Sherri Humphrys believes video coaching will be an alternative option to in-person coaching to reduce time wasted traveling across buildings:
Lindsay Deacon hopes organizations become more environmentally friendly ♻️:
Have some thoughts of your own on the future of learning and coaching?
Share it with TeachBoost and we’ll highlight it here!
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