Happy New Year from your friends at TeachBoost! We hit the ground running in 2022 by learning five tips for transitioning from teacher to coach, a step-by-step process for coaching teachers to create meaningful assessments, the advantages of blended professional learning for adults, and more from our Weekly Coaching Roundup!
Start 2022 by joining over 3,000 of your coaching peers who receive fresh coaching content every Wednesday! Subscribe to our Weekly Coaching Roundup below.
Coaching Teachers to Create Meaningful Assessments
Crystal Ceresani covers her step-by-step process to help teachers create and rate timeless assessments.
“As always, you need to start with the
why. If teachers do not buy into what you are trying to do as a school, it will not matter how much time, effort, and planning you put into it.
You need to share why you will be creating meaningful assessments,
what the benefits will be, and
how it will positively impact student learning. As a leadership team, it’s also worth thinking about ways to
minimize the stress of this process for teachers.”
The Keys to Building Relationships
Adrienne Waller reminds us that students benefit when educators uphold trusting relationships with each other—plus six ways to establish them.
Teachers are people. Knowing someone’s passion, interest, and even fears can be the key to offering better support. . . . Remember that
simply listening isn’t enough. Show that you’ve listened by taking action.”
Coaching During a Crisis
Christina Podraza highlights an IC who has gone above and beyond to support teachers virtually and how you can too.
“Empathy is hard right now because oftentimes as a coach, Ive relied on my experience in the classroom to help to support me with that. I had nine years in the classroom so I would often ask myself as a coach like, ‘
What would I want from a coach, as a teacher right now? If I was a teacher in their shoes right now, what would I need?’ . . . So what that’s meant for me is,
I’ve been doing a lot of creating of tutorials and videos.”
Five Tips for New ICs
Lily Jones asked veteran ICs what advice they would give to teachers looking to move from coached to coach.
You are still a teacher. The only thing that’s changed is that now you are teaching teachers instead of students. The same strategies and approaches you used with students can be helpful when working with teachers. As with classroom teaching, it’s important to
try ideas, gather feedback, and adjust your approach as needed. It’s a constant learning process!”
The Future of Blended Professional Learning
Jordan Friedman encourages organizations to mix video and microteaching into their coaching initiatives to level them up.
The purpose is for teachers to present to their peers a piece of what they plan to do with their students, and receive feedback and support, building their confidence. . . . With microteaching,
educators can focus on more than just their mannerisms and voice and really uncover where they can improve their teaching on a grander scale.”
Have some interesting instructional coaching news?
Share it with TeachBoost and we’ll highlight it here!
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