This week we learned how to expand your professional learning on Twitter, a six-step approach for sorting through data, a few behaviors to cultivate when making the shift from in-person to virtual learning, and more. Enjoy!
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Expand Your Professional Learning with Twitter Chats
Need a new channel to connect with your peers at a time and location convenient for you? Twitter can help! Kathy Perret explains how you can get started using Twitter today and level up your experience with Twitter chats.
hashtags are simply a way to categorize tweets on topics that interest you, and there are an endless array of them. When you add the # sign to a keyword or phrase in the Twitter search bar, you’ll see all the tweets from others that use that hashtag.”
Thin-Slicing Data
Stephanie Affinito offers a six-step approach for sorting through data so you can make quick and informed decisions.
“Thin slicing helps to analyze student data in relation to the standards or through the lens of specific skills, strategies or techniques. . . .
I prefer data that immediately impacts instruction: the kind that provides tangible information about students’ strengths and needs that can impact my teaching tomorrow. That is why I like the thin-slicing technique:
it helps us sort through the data in meaningful ways to actually impact practice.”
Small Coaching Questions
Ashley Taplin shares two reflection questions that have recently impacted her and why she intends to use them with her peers from now on.
“Every week, I join an instructional coaching Twitter chat (#educoach) and the chat always starts with
introduce yourself and share one success you’ve had this week. Expecting
this prompt each week causes me to reflect on the good that I experienced and then, reading other responses allows me to celebrate and learn from others. Realizing the impact of this simple question, I took it to the campuses I support.”
Strategies for Making Virtual Professional Learning Stick
Kendall Zoller provides six behaviors to uncover, cultivate, and individualize when shifting from in-person to remote learning.
“As we have learned over the past year,
our pedagogy and the way we present ourselves must shift for virtual professional learning, because what worked face-to-face does not readily transfer to a virtual environment. . . . .
The good news is that every facilitation and presentation move you made in person has a virtual equivalent. The challenge is discovering what that virtual equivalent is. Investing the time to make those adjustments will help you build credibility and rapport, facilitate questioning and dialogue, recover when things don’t go as planned, and create emotional safety in a cognitively challenging environment.”
Enduring Virtual Teaching Practices
Samantha Pack reflects on five learnings and techniques from remote teaching that she plans to incorporate into the physical classroom.
Online learning has freed students to contribute their voices in new ways and has improved teachers’ efficiency by transforming previously dead time—when students are waiting for the teacher to introduce the next learning task—into time in which students can exercise increased freedom and choice. . . . If more students want to contribute to discussion than time allows, use the chat space as a parking lot to capture ideas you’ll return to later.”
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