Tonight TeachBoost is co-hosting the #ilchal twitter chat with Justin Baeder from The Principal Center, and it promises to be a lively discussion.
- Event: #ilchal twitter chat
- Date: Monday, September 22
- Time: 9 p.m. Eastern, 8 p.m. Central
- Mark your calendar
The Instructional Leadership Challenge now comprises thousands of school leaders from dozens of countries. This is your chance to assemble via social media, share your goals, your roadblocks, and your reflections on the Challenge so far.
New to twitter chats? They’re fun and super easy to join. At the start of the chat (tonight, 9 p.m. EST), search for the hashtag #ilchal on twitter to bring up all the posts that include that hashtag. Refresh the page to see new tweets in real time. We’ll be asking questions that start with the term “Q1,” “Q2,” etc. To respond, compose a twitter that starts “A1,” “A2,” etc. and be sure to include #ilchal so that all participants can see what you’ve written.
The chat should last around an hour, and believe me it’ll go fast.
Not currently taking the Challenge? The #ilchal chat is a great way to learn more about the program, so feel free to join in!